Wednesday, 4 June 2014

"Gumpul" the growing Classified portal Giving Tuff Competition to Leading Online Classified Advertising Sites.

Yes , it's true that a little kid making big leaders to affriad with it's  aggressive service , even few of don't know there is a upcoming classified portal named gumpul , gumpul become threat to big classified sites like olx, quikr in Indian , according to an internal servery held in  last week revealed this truth even though olx and
quikr pouring millions of rupees to promote themselves , even though they are not able to resist the upcoming site gumpul from become big .

an official of big classified portal said to media that they just facing good competition from little sites , but this is far true , even in some cities these sites had upper hand in few services like used vehicle categories for instance showing endless growth and quality classifieds by employing  human as reviewers so that they can provide quality and accurate advertising's they keep buyers safe from spam ads. this reliability makes gumpul favorite among internet user , in fact gumpul also changing to better infrastructure to serve more better than ever.
any how gumpul got upper hand on olx,Quikr...

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